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Clan Legacy Book

Clan Legacy Book

Clan Legacy Book

  • Posted In
  • August 18, 2020
  • icolmkill
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The Clan Legacy:  Essential Family Capital Stewardship Strategies for the Next 1,000 Years              Author:  Bruce M. Goedde, Jr.  

Product Description

The Clan Legacy:  Essential Family Capital Stewardship Strategies for the Next 1,000 Years              Author:  Bruce M. Goedde, Jr.


For leaders seeking an historically proven roadmap for the successful stewardship of their unique family capital for its purpose and meaning for generations yet unborn.  Definitive book exploring the culture and customs of the Gaelic Clans of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and their habits of life.  How their fierce independence, insistence on equality and government by consent, and Christian faith created enduring family unity and made unique and seminal contributions to the rise of Western Christian Civilization in each of the three great epochs of our history.  In Part One the book makes the case that the Gaels are unsurpassed for longevity and influence upon the world stage.  The Clan Legacy examines the unprecedented vitality of their neolithic culture; early and singular dedication to Christianity and development of monasteries and family Abbeys; Gaelic missions bringing Christianity to England and the Continent; learning and knowledge as catalyst for Charlemagne’s modern Europe;  long centuries of struggle for independence and liberty; and the watershed events of Western Christian Civilization the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Reformation, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution and the creation of the United States of America.

Part Two reviews justifications of the Christian faith, the record of the temporal benefits of God honoring families and culture and the terrible civilizational costs of abandoning our Christian Faith.  Part Three outlines the proven strategies and tactics to steward family capital to ensure durable family unity around meaning, purpose and mission for the joy, satisfaction and contentment of generation upon generation.