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We work with Partner Families to help them successfully understand and navigate risks to their present security and future vitality. History teaches that Christianity is the foundation of our Western Civilization, to which we owe all that we seek to protect and preserve. God created us to live in loving relationship with Him and within our families. Honoring God builds the strong families that are necessary for solid communities, stable countries and future prosperity. The essence of understanding is that God confers upon humans personal rights while requiring personal responsibility – the two go hand-in-hand. Evidence is rising everywhere for the evils of claiming rights not afforded by God, and abdicating the responsibilities required of God. There are also examples of the blessings of God-honoring conduct: the character and manners of life of the Clan families of Scotland sustained them unconquered for 1,000 years. And in America Christian families established a culture unmatched in human history for improving the quality of life around the world. Strong, enduring families are vital, the greatest resource of shelter from the trials of today and tomorrow.

Our Counseling program revisits the truth that in an immoral world 2,000 years ago it was Christianity that first respected life, championed individual rights and embraced individual responsibilities. We reveal that from these core beliefs in self-determination, faithfully exercised over centuries, followed the unprecedented achievements of the creation of the United States of America: the political, economic and religious freedoms expressed by our republican government and capitalist free-market economy. It is the fruits of this God-honoring heritage of life, liberty, progress and charity that have lifted the world to previously unimagined heights – this is our treasured heritage, our cultural wealth and, properly understood, what is the Light and Envy of the World. We help families develop consensus around their identity, define their family capital and realize a unity of meaning and purpose that is durable across generations. This family unity is centered around Christian first-principles and delivers fulfillment, contentment, security and peace-of-mind in matters of faith, family, finances and the future.