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Victim or Victor?

It’s terrible to be a victim.  The United Nations refugee agency estimates that in 2020 more than 80 million people around the world were displaced

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Timeless Solutions to Completely New Challenges for Family Wealth Transfer

As the Family Leader, what confidence do you place in your wealth transition plans?  Would you like to form greater, and more realistic, peace of min

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Our Golden Goose

Fables most often use anthropomorphic plants, animals, legendary creatures and subjects of nature to illuminate moral truths.  The Golden Goose is a

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Worldview Failures can be Catastrophic

Family leaders with great responsibility for the successful future of their relations and the resources under their care are prudent to periodically r

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The Light and Envy of the World

Family leaders are challenged by the now and the next.  We draw insight, strength and confidence from historical role models.  The Gaelic clans of t

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Families the Foundation of our Future

Today, the very word defining family comes down to us from Scotland.  Clan is the the word recognized around the world to describe family or kinship

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The Mission of Icolmkill House: Christian Family Abbeys – Faith, Family, Culture and Our Future

Generations come, and generations go but the earth remains forever. What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; and th

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