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Why Abbeys? The Mission of Icolmkill House: Part III – The Abbey is the Solution for Today

“Whilst culture was shrinking in the West, each of these Abbey centers of faith and civilization was lighting a torch . . . a torch whose flame woul

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Why Abbeys? The Mission of Icolmkill House: Part II – The Abbey in its Glory

The Gaelic Christian Family Abbeys emerged as near comprehensive incubators for civilization. Born as they were in illiterate pagan barbarian lands as

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Why Abbeys? The Mission of Icolmkill House: Part I – History

The History of Gaelic Christian Abbeys Spreading the Faith and Creating Western Civilization The Christian faith was born with Jesus, the Man who s

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Straight Talk for Family Leaders: Religion Begat Prosperity . . .

Most every family leader wants to leave a legacy lasting generations.  It’s an appealing and rewarding idea to see one’s vision, intelligence, ha

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One Nation Under God

‘One Nation Under God’ is part of the Pledge of Allegiance of the Unites States of America, adopted by a joint resolution of Congress amending our

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His Kingdom

We discussed in a previous entry (PaxFutura.org 11/14/19) that worldview failures can be catastrophic. Also that there are at this time two prevailing

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Christmas Day, 1776

As we approach Christmas Day in this unpredictable year of 2020, regardless of our circumstances or station in life, without doubt we have much for wh

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Rain: A Miracle Right Before Your Eyes?

Many’s the time in every life that circumstances can seem overwhelming.  For thousands of years Christians have looked to God for guidance and supp

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Consent of the Governed: Ancient Family Antecedents

“Don’t Tread on Me” read the flag of the protester outside the Virginia State Capitol, May 2020.  Emblematic of the original Gadsden Flag from

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Truth, Trust & Risk

Truth, what is it, and can it be known?  Those are questions Man has debated from time immemorial.  The Bible in Genesis 3:1, the very first appeara

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