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Families that are centered and unified hold understandings of security, service, success and satisfaction that are fundamentally different from the commonly accepted views of the marketplace and modern culture. A Christian worldview illuminates to families risks that are unseen and unknown by secularists, risks threatening the God-given political, economic and religious freedoms essential for our prosperity. Among these threats, importantly, are issues of truth and trust, demographics, debt, currency, markets, the securitization of assets, financialization of the economy, dependence upon ubiquitous insecure and failure-prone technologies and multiplying scenarios for systemic risk.

We advise partner families in executing proprietary, customized approaches to time-tested strategies to reduce capital risk and increase capital utility and durable longevity. Core outcomes are self-reliance and self-sufficiency – reframing outlooks and repositioning activities away from dependent, centralized, mass market and global endeavors and into independent, distributed, niche, local solutions.  Such approaches can be replicated to provide family security and solve problems from the First through the Third World, and if necessary scale through association. Critical competencies include food, water, shelter, energy, communications, security, transportation, logistics, education and publishing, among others. Assignments may include acquisitions, dispositions, take-privates, new ventures and research and development. Focusing on family capital, we help families re-establish their assets away from Truth/Trust related risks and in stewardship of a family heritage of meaning, purpose, progress and peace-of-mind, today and for generations to come.


photo credit: Information Plaque for Saint Oran’s Chapel Outside Iona Abbey, Alamy